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About DungeonMagic

Dungeon Magic is a pan-sexual group formed for the purpose of providing an intimate locale for consenting adults to Play in peace and safety. Our motto is the same as that of the BDSM community at large:

"Safe, Sane and Consensual".

Our group was formed in November of 2001 as a response to the lack of Fetish events in the mid-Jersey region. We felt the lack ourselves, and saw other groups fall prey to politics, both external and internal. Over time, many popular, semi-public venues were shut down by legal actions or by internal conflict. Learning from these experiences, we decided to create a group that would be able to by-pass these problems, and provide what was needed - a safe, clean, intimate place for our members to socialize and Play on a regular basis.

We welcome novices and advanced Players alike, with an emphasis on couples. Novices are especially cherished, as we feel that a proper introduction into the Scene is necessary for the health of the Scene in general. We feel strongly that the BDSM community is under fire from various political and religious groups, and that our rights are being challenged every day. It is by education and support that we feel we can combat the problems that our community must deal with.

Our play parties happen once every three to five weeks on Saturday nights. We do our best to schedule our party dates so as to not conflict with other groups or events. The attendance is limited to 35 people, so that nobody feels crowded, and everyone has a chance to play. One must be a member to attend, and membership is free, as are the parties. The only requirement for membership is an interview, usually over at meal at a restaurant. We ask that our members bring something to each party, whether it be food, drink or some sort of party necessity to defray expenses. There is NO cash exchange whatsoever; this policy insulates us from any negative legal proceedings. Profit is not, nor will ever be, our motive; the ability to have fun and enjoy these activities safely is.

These events take place in our home, and the location is known only to the membership. We use this website to handle invitations and RSVP. There is a full-time dungeon in the basement, including a chain web, one steel and one wood Saint Andrew's cross, a Love swing with motorized hoist, a bondage/massage table, a waxing table with peach paraffin and low-temperature candles, a steel-bar cage and a wall-mounted bondage board. We have a vast selection of "toys", including a Sybian, a Violet Wand and lots of floggers, whips and insertion devices. Members are free to use all of the above, as long as they are kept clean and put back into place when done with.

The membership has grown from about 15 to almost 100 as of this writing. Our parties have been wildly successful, much more so than we ever anticipated when we started. There is always an abundant amount of food, fun and social intercourse, as well as Play occurring almost constantly throughout the night. The fun starts at 7:30 and ends whenever the last guest leaves.

Remember that this is a PRIVATE PARTY, in our HOME behind closed doors, a gathering of consenting ADULTS, for fun and frolic - members MUST leave politics and prejudice at the door. We have a strict safety policy regarding alcohol and no-one who is intoxicated will be allowed to play or to drive away from the premises. Sexual activities are allowed and encouraged, with safe sex guidelines kept in mind at all times. The facilities are kept ultra-clean, and anyone who does not clean up after themselves will not be invited back.

In short, we want our Play parties to be the most fun to be had in central NJ on a Saturday night...and our members sure seem to think so!

(This text was written by Sir Drake, and appeared, slightly modified, as an article in the July 2002 issue of Obzine.)

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